Social Media Content Videography for Gavin Heward, and the Mackay Powerlifting Club.
There are 5 team members competing at the Arnold's Sports Festival in Melbourne, Australia during mid-march 2019, in the PRO RAW XI main stage powerlifting competition. An international meet of incredibly high standard - I'm very much excited to cover the event on the Saturday during the comp, and will post coverage video content here as soon as I can. The festival runs over 3 days at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Certainly the biggest Powerlifting event in Australia, and definitely one of the best in the world - I was there on Day Two to capture the intensity of these athletes. What a day! I was exhausted by the end of it but so inspired. Here's the teaser.

The Powerlifting Room

Club Founder, and Pro Raw XI athlete, Dean Illguth.

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